Jet Pumps Rapidly Eliminate the Cause of Reduced Production

Restore Production in Frac-Hit Wells

A “Frac-Hit” well is a producing well that has had an invasion of frac fluids from an offset well that is being hydraulically fractured. During a Frac-Hit, a well being frac’ed communicates with a nearby well, which reduces production of the adjacent well. Frac-Hit wells can be temporarily or permanently affected.

Most often, the Frac Hit well has an increase in water production, and a resultant decrease in oil and gas production, until the frac water is removed.

Massive hydraulic fracs, re-fracs, and frac-hits of horizontally drilled wells can be challenging for most traditional forms of artificial lift. Most of these wells are fracked with hundreds of thousands of barrels of water, and rapid recovery of this frac fluid is crucial.

Frac Fluid Recovery setup 2

JJ Tech Jet Pump Solution

JJ Tech’s Frac-Evac System can be rapidly deployed and begin removing unwanted fluids in a matter of days. These Systems are particularly effective in wells where traditional mechanical pumps might struggle due to changes in pressure and flow dynamics caused by frac hits.

Jet pumps are also effective in handling gas along with liquids, making them suitable for wells where gas-to-liquid ratios can be high due to frac hits. They can manage gas interference without significant loss in performance.

Jet Pumping offers the operator a reliable form of lift during initial unloading of a recently frac’ed well, even when conditions are unknown.


Our team of experts specialize in resolving your challenging oil and gas well production problems. Talk to JJ Tech about analyzing your well at no cost and let us show you how we can help optimize your well production and lower your operating costs.