A drill stem test (DST) is a procedure that indicates whether or not the well is capable of substantial production. It provides information regarding the eminent success or failure rate of production during an interval. It does not hamper the efforts of the drilling program, and once the testing is completed, the drilling can be resumed right away.
There have been recent modifications and enhancements to the typical drill stem test (SDT) that have made substantial improvements to flow during the test. To improve production and increase the accuracy of drill stem testing, the industry now recognizes the effectiveness of utilizing hydraulic jet pumps, such as those developed and manufactured by JJ Tech.
JJ Tech’s line of hydraulic Jet Pumps can create an effective artificial lift system in wells that have decreased or inadequate pressure to bring the product to the surface. In order to properly evaluate the reservoir, this pressure must be created artificially.
A sliding sleeve is run above normal DST tools so that the Jet can be inserted into the sleeve. This is where it is properly placed and locked in utilizing a wire line. Surface pumps with water (or power fluid) create the power source to operate the subterranean JJ Tech Jet Pump, which have no moving parts. These jet pumps are capable of producing several thousand barrels a day.
One of the main attractions of the use of the Jet Pump for DST procedures is that there is a minimal amount of equipment that needs to be used. It can process up to 1,000:1 GLR. It can also process very high, as well as low volumes. It can pump abrasive fluids and corrosive fluids as well.
JJ Tech currently holds patents, both domestic and selected foreign, on its complete line of jet pumps, along with the corresponding accessories. The pumps are small, measuring 6.5 inches to 8.5 inches in length. The smaller size increases the pump’s ability to function in horizontal or highly deviated wells. Moreover, their small size enables easy retrieval.