Lease / Purchase Program Options

Flexible Lease and Purchase Solutions

JJ Tech only recommends our artificial lift technology where our well analysis shows it will be an effective solution. When we do recommend a solution, our lease programs are designed for flexibility. Our lease program lets you try JJ Tech technology prior to purchase, choose the terms that make the most sense for your well, or to conserve your capital equipment budgets.

Whether for short-term unloading of a recently frac’ed or frac-hit well, or a long-term artificial lift solution, JJ Tech has a flexible program to fit your needs.


Our lease programs offer several benefits

  • Preserve your CAPEX dollars
  • Prove ROI on your well before you purchase
  • Apply lease payments toward purchase
  • Fix operational costs

Standard Lease Program

Apply Lease Payments to Purchase

JJ Tech’s Standard Lease/Purchase Program option lets you apply your lease payment to the purchase price of the equipment:

  • 100% / 30 Days
  • 50% / 31-90 Days

Long-term Leasing

No Unexpected Costs

Since JJ Tech provides all preventive and routine maintenance performed on all leased equipment, long term leasing can provide customers with a fixed cost of operating without worrying about unexpected maintenance costs. (Like failed packing in plunger pumps, or thrust chamber issues on H-Pumps)


Our team of experts specialize in resolving your challenging oil and gas well production problems. Talk to JJ Tech about analyzing your well at no cost and let us show you how we can help optimize your well production and lower your operating costs.